Thursday, February 27, 2020

Muscles and bones: Online games

Hello again students!

As I promised these are some online resources for you to review some muscles. There more muscles in these games than those you have to study but are good webs and you only have to answer those what you know.

See you at school.


Natural Science: Muscles

Hi sixth-graders!

Here are the lists of bones and muscles you have to study for the Natural Science exam next Tuesday:

List of bones

List of muscles

Apart from this list you should know how to locate them, and the diagrams and exercises we have completed in class.

Range of pages included in the exam: 48-53

Have a nice long weekend!


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tab 'Ciencias en español (cultura)' updated

Hello again sixth graders!

Section called 'Ciencias en español (cultura)' has been updated with more online games for you to review mountain ranges.

Let's get the most of it!

See you at school.


Natural Science: Nervous and Skeletal systems

Hello boys and girls!

These are several online games to review the nervous and skeletal systems.

Have fun!


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Reported Speech: Questions and commands

Hi guys.

These are the worksheets we have worked these days in the classroom. The answer sheet is at the end of the document for you to correct the sentences on your own.




See you at school!


Thursday, February 06, 2020

Carnaval, carnaval...

Buenos días a tod@s.

Como ya sabéis, este año tocan las profesiones como tema conductor en carnaval. Los chicos y chicas de 6º nos pondremos en la piel de la policía científica para resolver todos los crímenes que se nos crucen por el camino (o casi todos).

Aquí os dejo toda la información que os habrá llegado por correo a la mayoría.


Un saludo,

Tutor@s de 6º

Monday, February 03, 2020

Natural Science Unit 3: Review worksheet

Hi sixth graders!

Here is a worksheet for you to review and study for the test. I strongly recommend you to complete the worksheet on your own without checking anything and correct it then using the book or your photocopies.

 Review worksheet

See you tomorrow


Saturday, February 01, 2020

Natural Science: Unit 3 part I - Interaction

Hi pupils!

This is the diagram I told you to complete about the first part of unit 3. This is a big summary of the topic but you have to study the neuron too!.

 Interaction I

See you at school.
